Adv. Ravsaheb Shinde is known by different people to be different things; a fiercely patriotic freedom fighter, astute legal mind, an educationist of the highest integrity, a respected essayist and a great orator. This book is a compilation of his speeches, essays and writings. The book puts across a clear impression of how Adv. Shindeâs view on education and society are still relevant and vital to contemporary needs. The author puts forth information and observations on several people and movements they influenced, like Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil and the Rayat Shikshan Sanstha. He touches upon the problems plaguing todayâs education environment along with suggestions on how to solve them. Besides these pressing issues, Dr. Raosaheb Shinde also writes and talks about other topics like Hindu Marriage, the Maratha caste, minorities, and organic farming. All these give a good idea of how deep was his perception of social issues and people based needs.